Reunion 2003 Photos · Page 2 | Home Page |
There was plenty of time for visiting and enjoying the property and animals between the posted "MAIN EVENTS" of the day. Arne Anderson munched on some chips and dip. Carolyn McAnulty Hurley took a turn on the swing while visiting with Sandra Forsgren Konikson. BELOW: Dorothy Niver Habif, Saundra Richardson Little and Georgia Gibson Scoles shared a laugh inside the building while outside, Ed Provancha and Bruce Grimstad entertained with song. |
As a gift to his classmates, Ward hired "The Pickled Herring Band" for our dancing and listening pleasure on Saturday evening. This versatile and talented group from the Freeland area played an outstanding selection of tunes on a variety of instruments. Thank you (again), Ward! In recognition of his many kindnesses and hard work, the reunion committee presented Ward with an artwork/etching by our gifted classmate Jane Hansel Lee Ling. << back   next >> |